Monday, July 6, 2009

the starting to an unnamed story

my ideas came to me as i sat on my couch listening t my mom talk to some of her friends that were over last night. the main character (Linda) is thinking about her best friend (Angie). Angie has a boyfriend that is the hottest guy in 9Th grade. here is what i have so far for my story..:

If he loved me what would I ever do? Would i be the girl everybody wants to be? Angie would never forgive me.. or would she? Maybe if i went back in time i could stop her from getting to close to him. sigh...

Richard Howard. The guy everyone wants. The ONLY guy everybody wants. The guy that kissed me the first day of third grade
. The guy that is falling head over heals for my best friend Angie..........

and there is more but i don't want to give to much of it away... so do you like it?? leave comments

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